The people are getting lazy, i found there a lot of visitor yesterday, some of them try to buy items, but finally give up, we do have 20% off coupon can use, maybe they do not know where to type it in. so i set up a sales maker from Zen cart back door, the price will show automaticlly.
Now the website looks much attractive with red color sales, then we have a new order, the amount is $108, If everyday they have a order like this amount, will be sueccful, i do recommend the owner try google Adsense, start from $100, because there is a deal about spent $25 can get $75, and i want to practice how to maxinum the traffic and trun over rate.
Another thing what i did is change the Title, keywords, also the destribiton for Uniware housewares Import Corporate. all my keywords now come with Uniware, this could be make all information with uniware make this website show first.