I have to change desktop again, because there is a ridicules problem. DNS, there no network! so I have to move to the bad one, abandon one, slow network.
The only thing can make me happy is the ranking still go on, now housewares on page two, more slayable than before, there is a thing very interesting, discount housewares should go up, but go down a lot, what happened to this keyword?
I try to let more keyword show on top 10 pages, but they are not working at all, what is the problem, I did back links a lot.
The email marketing is so important, when I did that first time, I found that there really have some people interesting your products, they want to try, but now I need to print out the orders, so do not have enough time to deal with.
Beside Email marketing I need to do something main page optimize, if there are no change for a week, it will be reduce attractive, but I did not found a topic can help.
I put coupon information on discount coupon page at http://www.uniwarestore.com/discount_coupon.html , hope someone click this page and will buy. we do have express checkout by PayPal, also have the affordable price attractive products, maybe the brand is weak now.
I really hope one day the housewares can beat all of at them, then just sit there drink a coffee and count how many orders we can have per day!