Google Ranking is Boring, After i found I have to make Chinese food recipes easy blog, chinese food recipes authentic chinese cuisine and cooking, authentic chinese food recipes blog, I make conclusion about this title, does MSG make you sleepy? The following is the conclusion.
In 1969 the Chinese restaurant syndrome was attributed to the flavor enhancer glutamate largely due to the widely-cited article "Monosodium L-glutamate: its pharmacology and role in the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" published in the journal Science. The syndrome is often abbreviated as CRS and also became known under the names Chinese food syndrome and monosodium glutamate symptom complex.
Symptoms attributed to the Chinese restaurant syndrome are rather common and unspecific and have included burning sensations, numbness, tingling, feelings of warmth, facial pressure or tightness, chest pain, headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, bronchospasm in people with asthma, drowsiness, and weakness.
While many people believe that monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the cause of these symptoms, an association has never been demonstrated under rigorously controlled conditions, even in studies with people who were convinced that they were sensitive to the compound.[8][9][10][11] Adequately controlling for experimental bias includes a placebo-controlled double-blinded experimental design and the application in capsules because of the strong and unique after-taste of glutamates.
In the 2004 version of his book, On Food and Cooking, noted food scientist Harold McGee states, "[after many studies], toxicologists have concluded that MSG is a harmless ingredient for most people, even in large amounts."
Monosodium Glutamate is said to be carcinogenic. It is the main ingredient of Aji No Moto, which is Japanese for 'more flavour'.
I don't know if it makes you feel sleepy, but it should be avoided. When I did a Chinese cookery course in Hong Kong, I was told that a pinch of sugar will also intensify the flavour and probably do less harm.
MSG does not make you sleepy.
Eating too much makes you sleepy. Your digestive system is kicking in.