After 5 months off-page optimization for a company selling houseware importer, I found that I failed, and I only get cheap housewares ranked on 2nd position, housewares stay on the 2nd page, it moved so slow, I am thinking about the effective about this, if I have to make decision about this, I will choose as many as low competitive keywords as I can, they really moved quickly, and can easy bring some traffics to support the business, what is the key to make your website successful? The answer is find KEI, When you get best KEI keywords, the next step is waiting your success.
I really feel painful to the failure, i have to say, try your best at the beginning, what is the most important thing is get best keywords, patience is another thing make me get this failure, what i should do is fixing the wrong place and continue practice on the eCommerce, I think i touch the point of success, but not fully master it yet, I have to spend more time to focus on it, no matter back links or on-page optimization. Keep learning is full of fun, achievment.
I will do my own campaign for next half year, hope that can get enough practice then do not need worry the money and traveling the world.